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Hello, there!

I’m Naomi. 

I love to talk theatre, whatever you need please just give me a call and lets talk! 


Frequently Asked

Can you custom make a play for us?

Yes! It’s one of the services Breeze Productions specialises in lets talk!

Do you have any new projects you are working on?

Yes Breeze Productions is on it’s the third tour of ‘This Fierce Love ‘ a play commissioned by  Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol and Drugs  and we’ve also been working with filmmakers to start to put some of our most popular plays on film .Coming soon  ‘Kaleidoscope ‘ on film .

How long do you need to arrange a performance?

It depends on the time of year and Breeze Productions schedule. Just ask! Sometimes not very long at all! Other times best to book several months in advance. 

What is the process from first call to performance?

If you are booking one performance usually we can arrange everything with a call and or couple of emails  For biggerprojects such as commissions we add an initial  planning meeting to this and keep in touch via telephone email and online zoom or teams meetings as needed